Download Statistics allows user to download resulting statistics files for a request.

Features and Views
There are two ways to navigate to Download Statistics:
  1. From Analysis Overview, select the kabob under the Actions column for a specific request, and then select Download Statistics.
Analysis Overview Download

      2. From Request Details, select the Actions button, and then select Download Statistics.

Request Details Download

Selecting Download Statistics will initiate a browser download of a zip file containing a folder for each analysis included in the request.
Note: Please refer to your browser settings, options and preferences for the location of your download file. 
  • Naming convention for the file is:  [Prog Code]-[Request #].zip
  • The zip file will contain a folder for each analysis sequence number in the request (e.g. ANALYSIS_SEQ_1)
  • CSV files pertaining to the analysis sequence number are included in their corresponding folder.
  • Files will be available for one year after running the request. 
  • For Item Analysis - Classical templates, possible files will include:
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_DELTAEQUATING_CLASSICALIA_OUTPUT_5000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_ITEMSUMMARY_CLASSICALIA_OUTPUT_4000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_RELIABILITY_CLASSICALIA_OUTPUT_2000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_SPEEDEDNESS_CLASSICALIA_OUTPUT_3000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_UNIVARIATE_CLASSICALIA_OUTPUT_1000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_CLASSICALIA_OUTPUT_1.csv  (Could be multiple of these depending on how many items are analyzed.  Files will end in _1, _2, _3, etc)
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_PARSTAT_CONTEXT_OUTPUT.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_SCORE_OUTPUT.csv
  • For Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning, possible files will include:
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_DIF_OUTPUT_1000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_DIFSUMMARY_DIF_OUTPUT_2000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_PARSTAT_CONTEXT_OUTPUT.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_SCORE_OUTPUT.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_UNIVARIATE_DIF_OUTPUT.csv
  • For Summary Statistics templates, possible files will include:
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_UNIVARIATE_CUSFDS_OUTPUT.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_UNIVARIATE_CBSFDS_OUTPUT_1.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_BIVARIATE_CBSFDS_OUTPUT_2.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_MATRIX_CBSFDS_OUTPUT_3.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_MATRIX_CSCP_OUTPUT.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_CATEGORYCOUNTS_STATSXCAT_OUTPUT.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_UNIVARIATE_STATSXCAT_OUTPUT_1000.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_PARSTAT_CONTEXT_OUTPUT.csv
    • [request #]_[sequence #]_SCORE_OUTPUT.csv