Download Test Taker Records allows users to download test taker record files (test taker selection, item scores, and test scores) for a request that is in status Run Complete, Run Warning, or Approved.

Features and Views
There are two ways to navigate to Download Test Taker Records:
  1. From Analysis Overview, select the kabob under the Actions column for a specific request, and then select Download Test Taker Records.
Analysis Overview Download Test Taker Records

      2. From Request Details, select the Actions button, and then select Download Test Taker Records.

Request Details Download Test Taker Records

Selecting Download Test Taker Records will initiate a browser download of a zip file containing a folder for each analysis by sequence and within that a folder for each admin code included in the request.
      Note: Please refer to your browser settings, options and preferences for the location of your download file. 
  • Naming convention for the file is:  [Prog Code]-[Request #]
  • The zip file contains a folder for each analysis sequence and within that, a folder for each admin (ANALYSIS_SEQ_#/AdminCode)
  • Each admin folder includes CSV files relevant to the analysis sequence and admin
  • Files will be available TBD (possibly for one year) after running the request. 
  • For Item Analysis - Classical, possible files will include:
    • CandidateItemScoreData.csv
    • CandidateSelectionData.csv
    • CandidateTestScoreData.csv
    • CandidateAUData.csv  (only available for MST admins)
  • For Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning, possible files will include:
    • CandidateItemScoreData.csv
    • CandidateSelectionData.csv
    • CandidateTestScoreData.csv
    • CandidateAUData.csv  (only available for MST admins)
    • For analysis sequences that contain DIF Refinement, there will be additional folders and files:
      • an additional folder, 'REFINED', under the admin folder (ANALYSIS_SEQ_#/AdminCode/REFINED)
        • a folder under REFINED for each group that is refined (e.g. ANALYSIS_SEQ_1/20211129B/M) containing the following
          • CandidateItemScoreData.csv
          • CandidateSelectionData.csv
          • CandidateTestScoreData.csv
          • CandidateAUData.csv  (only available for MST admins)
  • For Summary Statistics, possible files will include:
    • CandidateItemScoreData.csv
    • CandidateSelectionData.csv
    • CandidateTestScoreData.csv
    • CandidateAUData.csv  (only available for MST admins)