Request Details displays all of the analyses, options, and selections included in a generated, run, or approved request.  It provides a snapshot of what is configured in the selected Analysis Template(s), associated Test Settings, and the context selected when generating a request, and provides the following capabilities that can be performed on a request:
  • Aggregate administrations for a request (see Aggregate)
  • Run a request
  • Visualize request results (see Visualize Results)
  • Download Reports (EIRC, ICC)
  • Download Statistics files (see Download Statistics)
  • Download Test Taker Records file (see Download Test Taker Records)
  • Tag statistics of a request (see Tag Statistics)
  • Approve a request making statistics available to external systems and SRR
  • Reject statistics of a request
  • Delete a request
  • View and edit Analysis Options (see Analysis Options)
  • Request Customization: As of Date/Time, Customize Queries, Exclude AUs, Exclude Items From Analysis, Exclude Items From Score  (see Customization)

Features and Views
There are two ways to navigate to Request Details:
  1. From Analysis Overview, select the kabob under the Actions column for the specific request, and then select Request Details.
  2. From Alerts produced after successfully generating or running a request, select View. (Or if navigating from "View All Alerts", select View under the Actions column.)

From Analysis Overview
Request Details Actions

From Alerts
Request Details from Alerts

From View All Alerts
Request Details from View All Alerts

Opening Request Details for a selected request will display the following:

Header information:
  • "Request Details" - {Prog code}/{Request #}
  • Context of the request including:
    • Admin code | Delivery Mode| Test Code - Test Title | IBIS Form Code/Package ID | User Form Code (if applicable) | System Form Code (if applicable)
  • Status of the request (see below for possible Status values)
  • Created by - displays User ID for user that generated the request
  • Last Modified Date - last date/time that the request status changed
  • Description -  Text box with default value "Ad-Hoc Request"
    • NOTE: Description can be edited if status of request is Generated, Unresolved, or Run Error.
The first tab under the header is Analysis Options.  For details on Analysis Options, see Analysis Options.


List of possible request Status values:
  • Unresolved – User configuration is required based on analysis template option(s) prior to being able to run the request. (see below for more information)
  • Generated – Request is ready to be run
  • In Progress – Request run is in progress
  • Run Complete – Request has successfully completed the run process and statistics have been calculated and saved to the database.
  • Run Warning - Request has successfully completed the run process and statistics have been calculated and saved to the database with warning messages that need to be reviewed. (see below for more information)
  • Run Error - Request has ended in an error with no statistics produced.  The error messages will need to be reviewed to determine the issue. (see below for more information)
  • Approved - Statistics within the request are available to external systems (i.e. IBIS) and SRR

A request with status Unresolved will display a red banner stating "Information Required".  This is letting the user know that information needs to be entered (e.g. reference deltas) before the request can be run.

Unresolved Banner

A request with status Run Warning will display an amber banner stating "Run Warning(s) have occurred.  View Warning List". 
  • Selecting the 'Warning' link will open a modal displaying a list of all of warnings.
  • The grid displays Analysis Sequence Number, Status and a Description. All columns are filterable and sortable.
Run Warning Banner
Run Warning List

A request with status Run Error will display a red banner stating "Run Error(s) have occurred.  View Error List". 
  • Selecting the 'Error' link will open a modal displaying a list of all errors.
  • The grid displays Analysis Sequence Number, Status and a Description. All columns are filterable and sortable.
Run Error Banner
Run Error List

NOTE: If both Warnings and Errors have occurred, the banner displays “Run Error(s) and Warning(s) have occurred. View Error/Warning List”

Selecting the kabob will provide you with the following options that can be taken on a request. 

  1. Aggregate
    • To provide the capability to accumulate test taker data over multiple administrations in addition to the context admin for the request that was generated.
    • Enabled if request status is Generated, Unresolved or Run Error
    • When selected, a new window will open called "Aggregate ". When aggregate administrations have been set up, there will be an 'A' indicator icon appended to the admin code in Analysis Overview, Request Details, and the Aggregate page to indicate the analysis is aggregating data.  For more details on Aggregate, see Aggregate.
  2. Run
    • Enabled if request status is Generated or Run Error
    • When Run is selected, the user will be sent back to the Analysis Overview screen.
    • When a request has completed running, an Alert will display in the global navigation toolbar and the request status will be updated to either Run Complete, Run Warning, or Run Error (see above for more details of each status)
  3. Visualize
    • To view analysis results of a request
    • Enabled if request status is Run Complete, Run Warning, or Approved.
    • When selected, the analysis results for the request will open in a new browser tab. For more details on viewing results, see Visualize Results.
  4. Download Reports
    • To download EIRC or ICC plot pdf reports for a request, as applicable based on the analyses and options included.
    • Enabled if request status is Run Complete, Run Warning, or Approved.
    • If you ran the request, wait for an Alert regarding the report status.
    • When selected, report(s) from the request will download into a zip file.
  5. Download Statistics
    • To download statistics files from a request
    • Enabled if request status is Run Complete, Run Warning, or Approved.
    • When selected, statistics files from the request will download into a zip file. For more details on downloading statistics, see Download Statistics.
  6. Download Test Taker Records
    • To download test taker records from a request
    • Enabled if request status is Run Complete, Run Warning, or Approved.
    • When selected, statistics files from the request will download into a zip file. For more details on downloading test taker records, see Download Test Taker Records.
  7. Tag
    • To view and/or override statistical tags for a request.
    • Enabled if request status is Run Complete, Run Warning, or Approved.
    • When selected, a new window will open called "Tag Statistics".  For more details on overriding tags, see Tag Statistics.
  8. Approve
    • To approve statistics for a request and make them available in SRR and external systems (i.e. IBIS).
    • Enabled if request status Run Complete or Run Warning.
    • When selected, a confirmation modal will display:
      • Select 'Approve' to approve statistics and return to the Request Details page.  Once the request has been approved the request status will be updated to Approved.
        • NOTE: Statistics should be tagged BEFORE approval.  Once a request is approved only the Do Not Use tag can be applied.
      • Select 'Cancel' to cancel the action and return to the Request Details page
  9. Reject
    • To reject the statistics of a request that was run in order to modify options or test taker criteria of the request, select Reject. A confirmation message will pop-up.  Select Reject to delete all statistical results or Cancel to cancel the action.  Once the request is rejected the request status will be updated to Generated.
    • This button will be enabled when the request status is Run Complete or Run Warning.  Otherwise it will be disabled
  10. Delete
    • To delete a request that is no longer needed, select Delete. A confirmation message will pop-up.  Select Delete to delete the request or Cancel to cancel the action.  Once the request is deleted it will be removed from the Analysis Overview grid.
    • This button will be enabled when the request status is Generated, Unresolved, or Run Error.  Otherwise it will be disabled.

To navigate back to Analysis Overview, select the breadcrumb:

Image 10

Tabs in Request Details
Analysis Options