Analysis Options is the first tab displayed in Request Details.
For general information, navigating, and actions related to Request Details see Request Details. For general information, related to Analysis Options see Analysis Options.

The following are details specific to Analysis Type: Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning. 

View Options for 'Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning'

1)  Analysis Description
  • Description provided in the Analysis Template
2)  Analysis Type
  • Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning
4)  Test Taker Selection Query
  • Test Taker Selection Query Name and Query Expression from the selected template 
5)  Criterion Score 
  • displayed as Score Name - Score Number; selected in Test Settings
6)  LIC(s)
  • displayed as comma-separated list of LIC(s); selected in Test Settings

Request Details - DIF

7)  Menus for options configured in the Analysis Template (each menu is expandable/collapsible to view configured options):
  • Processing Options
  • Comparisons 

Request Details - DIF2

Example of Comparisons:

Request Details - DIF4

NOTE: Each combination of Criterion Score and Reference Group selected in the analysis template will produce a separate analysis sequence number within a request. (i.e. If two criterion scores were selected in Test Settings and one reference group was selected in the Analysis Template that will produce two analysis sequence numbers. If two criterion scores were selected and two reference groups were selected that will produce four separate sequence numbers.)

Edit Options for ‘Item Analysis – Differential Item Functioning’:

If Request Status is Generated or Run Error user can select 'Edit Options'.      
  • Once in Edit mode, Cancel and Save buttons display at the bottom of the screen.
  • Once all required selections have been made ‘Save’ becomes enabled.
NOTE:  Once in Edit mode, users can go back and forth between analysis sequence numbers to make updates.  Save is a 'global save' and will save all changes.

Edit Request Details DIF

The following options can be edited:

1) Analysis Description
2) Test Taker Selection Query
3) All options under Processing Options
4) Options under 
Comparisons with the exception of:
  • Reference and Focal Group and Test Taker Selections cannot be changed

Edit Request Details DIF 2

Cannot be edited:

Edit Request Details DIF 3

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Request Details
Analysis Templates
Test Settings