Analysis Options is the first tab displayed in Request Details.
For general information, navigating, and actions related to Request Details see Request Details. For general information, related to Analysis Options see Analysis Options.

The following are details specific to Analysis Type: Item Analysis - Classical. 

View Options for ‘Item Analysis – Classical’:

1)  Analysis Description
  • Description provided in the Analysis Template
2)  Analysis Type
  • Item Analysis - Classical
4)  Test Taker Selection Query
  • Test Taker Selection Query Name and Query Expression from the selected template 
5)  Criterion Score 
  • displayed as Score Name - Score Number; selected in Test Settings
6)  LIC(s)
  • displayed as comma-separated list of LIC(s); selected in Test Settings
7)  Equate Item Statistics Req ID * if applicable. 

Request Details - IA2

8)  Menus for options configured in the Analysis Template (each menu is expandable/collapsible to view configured options):
  • Processing Options
  • Correlations & Reliabilities
  • EIRC & High Ability Group Options
  • Flag Items 
  • Delta Options

Request Details - Options Menu

Produce Reliabilities for ISD
For IA templates that have been configured to produce ‘ISD Reliability’, Score and LIC information will display as below under Correlations & Reliabilities

Request Details - ISD

Compare Deltas
If a request is generated that includes an analysis template where Compare Deltas was selected, Request Details will display the following alerting the user that information is required to be entered before proceeding.
  • A banner will display at the top saying "Information Required"
  • A warning icon will display next to the relevant Analysis Sequence Number(s)
  • A warning icon will display next to the 'Delta Options' menu

Request Details - Delta

A reference delta file needs to be imported under the 'Delta Options' menu as seen below: 
  • Expand the 'Delta Options' menu
  • Select “Import Reference Deltas” 
  • The file must meet these validation rules:
    • CSV format with headers
      • Headers must be “Item identifier” and “Delta”
      • The file should be saved as "CSV (Comma delimited)".  Saving the file to a different comma delimited extension, such as "CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)" may result in errors when importing.
    • No duplicate items
    • No missing values
    • No delta values outside of the acceptable range (3.69 to 22.31)

Request Details - Delta Import
  • If the import file is in the correct format:
    • A table will be displayed under 'Compare Deltas' displaying Item Identifier, Delta Value and, Error Message(s) (if any error(s) exist).
    • If there are any errors displayed, 'Clear' button can be selected and a corrected file can be imported, file needs to be error free then 'Save' is enabled.
  • Selecting 'Save' will save the values to the database, and if no other analysis sequences require additional information:
    • Request Status will automatically be updated to 'Generated'
    • The 'Information Required' banner will disappear
    • All warning icons will disappear.
Request Details - Delta Import2

If there is a problem with the file format, an error modal will display like seen below:

Request Details - Delta Import Error

If there are missing values, duplicate items, or deltas outside of the acceptable range:
  • Inline error message(s) will display next to the item(s)/row(s) in the table
  • 'Clear' button can be selected and a corrected file can be imported
  • 'Save' will be disabled until error free file is imported
Request Details - Delta Errors

NOTE: If more than one analysis sequence includes Delta options, the request will remain in 'Unresolved' status until files are imported for each analysis sequence.

Edit Options for ‘Item Analysis – Classical’:

If Request Status is Generated or Run Error user can select 'Edit Options'.
       (NOTE:  If Request Status is Unresolved, required information must be entered and the request status must be updated to Generated before options are able to be edited.)
  • Once in Edit mode, Cancel and Save buttons display at the bottom of the screen.
  • Once all required selections have been made ‘Save’ becomes enabled.
NOTE:  Once in Edit mode, users can go back and forth between analysis sequence numbers to make updates.  Save is a 'global save' and will save all changes.

Edit Request Details IA

The following options can be edited:

1) Analysis Description
2) Test Taker Selection Query
3) Options under each menu with the exception of:
  • Under Correlations & Reliability
    • 'Produce Reliability' cannot be changed
  • Under Delta Options
    • 'Compare Deltas' cannot be changed

Edit Request Details IA 2

Cannot be edited:
Edit Request Details IA 3

Cannot be edited:
Edit Request Details IA 4

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Request Details
Analysis Templates
Test Settings