For general information, navigating, and actions related to Request Details see Request Details. For general information related to Customization, see Customization.

Customize Queries

Customize Queries can be used to make modifications to Test Taker Selection Query Expressions for any of the included analyses in a request before running the request.  This feature can be used if request status is Generated, Unresolved, or Run Error.
Important Note:
Customize Queries only provides the capability to modify query expressions for use in a single request.  Making updates here has no impact on saved queries for the program.  It does NOT update the query expression  associated to the Query Name. Visit Queries for more information and steps on how to edit a query expression if your program needs a permanent update to a saved Query. 

To edit a Query Expression:
  • Expand the "Customize Queries" menu.  A table displays with the following details:
    • Seq# - Analysis Sequence Number of each analysis included in the request. (filterable and sortable)
    • Query Name - Test Taker Selection Query Name selected in the analysis template and displayed in Request Details Analysis Options. (filterable and sortable)
    • Query Expression - Test Taker Selection Query Expression (filterable and sortable)
    • Actions:  
      • Edit - enabled if request status is Generated, Unresolved or Run Error.
      • Apply to more sequences - enabled if request status is Generated, Unresolved or Run Error, AND the request has more than one analysis sequence
      • If request status is NOT Generated, Unresolved, or Run Error, both actions are disabled and table is displayed as view-only.
  • On the row of the Seq # you wish to edit, select 'Edit' under Actions
  • A Query Builder modal will open. 
  • Edit using the Query Builder. For more information, see Queries
  • After all updates are made, if you're not applying changes to additional sequences, select 'Save' to save changes and return to the Customization screen  (If you want to apply the same changes to additional sequences see more instructions in the next section)
    • Select 'Cancel' to cancel out without making any changes
  • After selecting 'Save', the updated query expression will display for the relevant Sequence Number in both the Customization tab and in Analysis Options under Test Taker Selection Query/Query Expression.
    • NOTE:  The Query Name will NOT be updated in the Customization tab or Analysis Options
Customize Queries

Customize Queries Edit

Apply to more than one sequence while editing:
  • While in edit mode, changes made to a query expression can be applied to additional analysis sequences by selecting the 'Apply query to additional analysis sequence(s)' checkbox.
    • Selecting 'Apply query to additional analysis sequence(s)' will update the 'Save' button to 'Save & Apply'.
    • Select 'Save & Apply' to display a modal with a list of all available sequences in the request, excluding the current sequence.
    • Select one or more additional sequences.
    • Select 'Next' to display a confirmation modal with a list indicating the current sequence you are editing and additional sequence(s) where the updated query expression will be applied.
    • Select 'Save & Apply' to save changes and return to the Customization tab.
    • After selecting 'Save & Apply', the updated query expression will display for the relevant Sequence Numbers in both the Customization tab and in Analysis Options under Test Taker Selection Query/Query Expression.
      • NOTE:  The Query Names will NOT be updated in the Customization tab or Analysis Options
    • Note:
      • Selecting 'Cancel' on any of the previous screens will return you to the Customization tab without any changes being saved.
      • Selecting 'Go Back' on any screens will take you back to the previous screen without any changes being saved.
Customize Queries Edit2
Customize Queries Edit3
Customize Queries Edit4

Apply a query expression from one sequence to other sequence(s):
  • If a request has more than one sequence, 'Apply to more sequences' will be enabled under Actions
  • Select 'Apply to more sequences' to display a modal with all available sequences in the request, excluding the current sequence.
  • Select one or more additional sequences.
  • Select 'Next' to display a confirmation modal with a list indicating the additional sequence(s) where the updated query expression will be applied.
  • Select 'Save & Apply' to save changes and return to the Customization tab.
  • After selecting 'Save & Apply', the updated query expression will display for the relevant Sequence Numbers in both the Customization tab and in Analysis Options under Test Taker Selection Query/Query Expression.
    • NOTE:  The Query Names will NOT be updated in the Customization tab or Analysis Options
  • Note:
    • Selecting 'Cancel' on any of the previous screens will return you to the Customization tab without any changes being saved.
    • Selecting 'Go Back' on any screens will take you back to the previous screen without any changes being saved.

Customize Queries Apply
Customize Queries Apply2