For general information, navigating, and actions related to Request Details see Request Details. For general information related to Customization, see Customization.

Exclude Items From Score

Exclude Items From Score can be used to exclude items from scores from all analyses in a request and in analysis scoring the excluded items will be treated as DNS, and the items will also be removed for DIF refinement. This feature can be used if the request status is Generated, Unresolved, or Run Error.  If request status is NOT Unresolved, Generated, or Run Error, 'Exclude Items From Score' in the Customization tab will display with the grid in view mode, if applicable.  

  • Excluding items from scores is applied to all analyses that use the scores included in the request.
  • The excluded item(s) are still included in the LIC(s) for the respective score(s) and therefore included in any item analysis using those LIC(s).  If items should be excluded from the LICs, you will have to exclude them in the exclude items from analysis section.
  • Note that if your request will aggregate admins, you will need to do the aggregation prior to excluding items if they are in the included admins.
To exclude items from score
Expand the Exclude Items From Score menu:
  • There will be a table with columns for Item Identifier and the score name configured in the request.
    • If no analyses in the request are associated to a score there will not be a table and the section will say "No scores configured for this request."
    • If no items have been excluded, the table will say "No records available."

Exclude Item From Score View
  • In the Select Items to be Excluded multi select box, you can either type in the item to search for and select it in the list or scroll through the list and make selections.  The list is sorted alphabetically.
  • Once you select your items to be excluded in the list, they will be added to the table and by default each score the item is associated to will be checked for exclusion. 
    • If you want the item to be included in the score, then uncheck it from that score.
    • If you need to remove any of the items that were selected, then select the 'x' on the item in the Select Items to be Excluded multi select box.
  • Once your selections have been made, select the Save button.
    • A banner message will display at the top of the page that says, "Save was successful."

Exclude Item From Score Selection