Tag Statistics displays all Item-level and/or Test-level tags that have been associated to resulting statistics in a request. It provides a snapshot of any default tag(s) that were configured in Analysis Templates used in the request, and/or any tag(s) that were overridden at the analysis or LIC level in Test Settings.

The Tag Statistics module allows the user to:
  • View all item-level and/or test-level tags associated to each analysis in a request
  • Override tags filtering by item, AU or LIC
  • Tag items as Do Not Use before or after request approval
  • Mark a request as Do Not Use after request approval
For general instructions on:
  • Selecting default tags in Analysis Templates see Analysis Templates
  • Overriding default tags at the analysis and/or LIC level in Test Settings see Test Settings
Features and Views
There are two ways to navigate to Tag Statistics:
  1. From Analysis Overview, select the kabob under the Actions column for a specific request, and then select Tag.
Tag from analysis overview

      2. From Request Details, select the Actions button, and then select Tag.

Tag from request details

Opening Tag Statistics for a selected request will display the following:

Header information:
  • "Request" - {Prog code}/{Request #}
  • Context of the request including:
    • Admin code | Delivery Mode| Test Code - Test Title | IBIS Form Code/Package ID | User Form Code (if applicable) | System Form Code (if applicable)
  • Status of the request
    • Only requests that are in Complete, Run Warning, or Approved status can access the Tag Statistics module (see Analysis Overview for more info) 
  • Analysis Sequence Number/Name:
    • Value can be selected in the dropdown to navigate to each analysis in the request to view and/or override tags. For general information regarding Analysis Sequence Number/Name formatting see Analysis Options
Tag header

Tag header 2

Note: Depending on the Analysis Template type you can have both Item Level Statistics Tab and Test Level Statistics Tab or only Test Level Statistics Tab available.  For details on Analysis Template types and their associated tags, see  Analysis Templates.

Item Level Statistics Tab – View:
Tags can be viewed by:
  • AU
  • Item
  • LIC
The grid view defaults to Select By: Item.
To change the view, use the Select By: dropdown as seen below:

Tag item tab select by

Select By: Item grid view includes:
  • Checkboxes for each item along with an option to select 'All'
  • Item Identifier
    • default sort order is alphabetical
  • Tags
    • sorted alphabetically within row
    • displays default item-level tag selections from Analysis Template and/or override tag selections from Test Settings and/or any overrides made at the request level in Tag Statistics
  • An additional column, 'Do Not Use Date', will display if  any items are tagged as Do Not Use
    • If items are tagged as Do Not Use BEFORE the request is approved, the Date/Time value will be the date and time the request was run
    • If items are tagged as Do Not Use AFTER the request is approved, the Date/Time value will be the date and time the tags were updated
  • Each column can be sorted and filtered
Tag item tab 2

Select By: AU grid view includes:
  • Checkboxes for each item along with an option to select 'All'
  • AU ID
  • AU Name
  • Measure Type
  • Research Usage Type
  • Each column can be sorted and filtered
Tag item tab by AU

Select By: LIC grid view includes:
  • Checkboxes for each LIC along with an option to select 'All'
  • LIC Name – Column can be sorted and filtered
  • Description
Tag item tab by LIC

Overriding Item Level Tags:
NOTE: Item level tags can be overridden if a request is in status Run Complete or Run Warning.  If a request is in Approved status, the only available tag is Do Not Use.

Override tags selecting by Item:
  • Select By = Item
  • To override Item Level Statistics, select the desired item(s), and select ‘Override Tags’
Tag override by item
  • 'Override Tags' modal displays with list of selected item(s) in the left pane alone with their current associated tags.
  • Override tag selections can be made in the right pane.
    • Note that selections here will REPLACE all previous selections for the listed item(s).
  • Selecting Apply will save all tag selections and return the user to the Select By: Item grid view where updated tags are displayed.
  • Selecting Cancel will cancel all selections and return the user to the Select By: Item grid view.

Tag override by item 2

Override tags selecting by AU:
  • Select By = AU
  • To override Item Level Statistics filtering by AU, select the desired AU(s), and select ‘Override Tags’

Tag override by AU
  • 'Override Tags by AU' modal displays with list of selected AU(s) listed above the grid on the left
  • A list of items included in the selected AU(s) is listed in the left pane along with associated tags
  • Override tag selections can be made in the right pane.
    • Note that selections here will REPLACE all previous selections for the listed item(s) within the included AU(s)
  • Selecting Apply will save all tag selections and return the user to the Select By: Item grid view where updated tags are displayed.
  • Selecting Cancel will cancel all selections and return the  user to the Select By: Item grid view.

Tag override by AU 2

Override tags selecting by LIC:
  • Select By = LIC
  • To override Item Level Statistics filtering by LIC, select the desired LIC(s), and select ‘Override Tags’

Tag override by LIC
  • 'Override Tags by LIC' modal displays with list of selected LIC(s) listed above the grid on the left
  • A list of items included in the selected LIC(s) is listed in the left pane along with associated tags
  • Override tag selections can be made in the right pane.
    • Note that selections here will REPLACE all previous selections for the listed item(s) within the included LIC(s)
  • Selecting Apply will save all tag selections and return the user to the Select By: Item grid view where updated tags are displayed.
  • Selecting Cancel will cancel all selections and return the  user to the Select By: Item grid view.

Tag override by LIC 2

After all overrides have been made for an Analysis Sequence Number, either select another Analysis Sequence Number to make additional tag overrides for more analyses, or select 'Save' to save all tags for the request.
  • Selecting 'Save' will save all tags for the request and return the user to either Request Details or Analysis Overview (depending on which module the user was in before navigating to Tag Statistics)
  • If 'Cancel' is selected, no selections will be saved and the user will be returned to either Request Details or Analysis Overview (depending on which module the user was in before navigating to Tag Statistics)

Tag item tab save

If changes are made, and then 'Cancel' is selected, a warning modal will display.
  • Select 'Cancel' to go back to the Tag Statistics screen
  • Select 'Continue' to cancel all changes and return to Analysis Overview or Request details (depending on which module the user was in before navigating to Tag Statistics)
Tag global cancel

Test Level Statistics Tab – View & Override:
NOTE: Test level tags can be overridden if a request is in status Run Complete or Run Warning.  If a request is in Approved status, the only available tag is Do Not Use.
  • Check marks display default test-level tag selections from Analysis Templates and/or override tag selections from Test Settings and/or any overrides made at the request level in Tag Statistics
  • Tags can be selected or deselected in this view

Item Analysis - Classical Test level tags
NOTE: User should expect same view when selecting analysis type Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning Test Level tags.

Tag test tab IA

Summary Statistics Test level tags

Tag test tab SUM

After all overrides have been made for the Analysis Sequence Number, either select another Analysis Sequence Number to make additional tag overrides for more analyses, or select 'Save' to save all tags for the request
  • Selecting 'Save' will save all tags for the request and return the user to either Request Details or Analysis Overview (depending on which module the user was in before navigating to Tag Statistics)
  • If 'Cancel' is selected, no selections will be saved and the user will be returned to either Request Details or Analysis Overview (depending on which module the user was in before navigating to Tag Statistics)

Tag test tab save

Mark Items or Request as Do Not Use (after request is approved)

After a request is approved, the only actions available in Tag Statistics are the following:
  • Tagging item/test level stats as Do Not Use
  • Marking the whole request as Do Not Use
    • This action tags all item-level and/or test-level stats as ‘Do Not Use’ for the entire request

Tagging item-level stats as Do Not Use after request approval

Tag approved do not use

Tagging test-level stats as Do Not Use after request approval

Tag approved do not use 2

Marking a Request as Do Not Use after request approval

Tag mark as do not use
  • Selecting "Mark Request as Do Not Use" is a bulk action which will tag all item-level and/or test-level stats as Do Not Use for the entire request.  This is considered a final state, and no further actions can be done on the request. 
  • To proceed, select “Mark Request as Do Not Use”
  • A confirmation modal will display:
Tag mark as do not use modal
  • Selecting 'Yes' will save all tags for the request and return the user to either Request Details or Analysis Overview (depending on which module the user was in before navigating to Tag Statistics)
  • If 'No' is selected, no selections will be saved and the user will be returned to either Request Details or Analysis Overview (depending on which module the user was in before navigating to Tag Statistics)

View of a request marked as Do Not Use:

Tag mark as do not use view

To navigate back to Analysis Overview, select the breadcrumb:

Tag breadcrumb analysis overview

To navigate back to Request Details, select the breadcrumb:

Tag breadcrumb request details