The Program Configuration Program Settings module provides the capability to create, edit, or view the default program settings for your program.  PAR staff are responsible for determining the default settings for their program for the following:
  • Default Aggregate Options
  • Default Request Schedules
  • Analysis Overview - Default View
  • Scoring Service (currently only eSKM is available in PARcore)
  • Standard Attribute Value to Description Mapping
  • Edit to Condition Code Mapping for Constructed Response Scoring
To navigate to the Program Settings module, from the Main Navigation Toolbar select Configurations and then Program Settings.
  • All PAR users with access to the program will be able to view Program Settings.
  • Super Admins and PAR Admins for the program are able to create/edit Program Settings.

Editing Program Settings
Users with Super Admin or PAR Admin role for the program selected in Global Navigation will be able to edit Program Settings.  The Edit link will be available in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Edit Program Settings

The following options can be edited:

1. Default Aggregate Options
  • Set Default Aggregate Options - select this option to set defaults when creating an aggregate admin.  See Aggregate for more details on aggregate admins.  When selecting this option, the following additional options will be displayed:
  • Default Aggregate Selection:
    • Date Range (default)
    • Within Operational Admin
  • If Date Range is selected as the Default Aggregate Selection, the following additional options are displayed:  
    • Number - numeric entry field
    • Unit - Day(s) , Week(s), Month(s) or Year(s)
    • Default Date Range - Admin Start Date or Calendar Date
  • Scoring Method:
    • Score as Latest. Score all included admins in the analysis as the latest included admin. (default)
    • Score as Each. Score each included admin in the analysis individually.

Default Aggregate Method 'Date Range':

Default Aggregate Date Range

2.  Default Request Schedules - create default schedules that can be used when scheduling requests to run automatically on or after a specific date & time from the Analysis Overview page.  For example, if PIA analyses are always run n number of days after the admin start date, then you can create a default schedule with the number of days specified and select that schedule to automatically populate the scheduled date field for each request in the schedule request module.
  • To add a schedule, select the Add Row button

Default Request Schedules Add Row
  • Enter data for the required columns:
    • Name - Enter a unique name within the program
    • Days After Admin Start Date - Enter the number of days after the admin start date that you want requests using this schedule to run
*Once saved, the list is displayed in ascending order by Days After Admin Start Date.

Default Request Schedules

3.  Analysis Overview - Default View - able to select optional columns to display in Analysis Overview
  • Required Columns are not editable and include the following fields:
    • Admin
    • Form ID/Package ID
    • Request Number
    • Status
    • Test
* List displayed in alphabetical order.
  • Optional Columns are able to be selected in a multi-select dropdown with a Select All option:
    • Created by
    • Delivery Mode
    • Description
    • Last Modified Date
    • Operational Admin
    • Scheduled Date
    • SFC (System Form Code)
    • UFC (User Form Code)
* List displayed in alphabetical order
Analysis Overview - Default View

4.  Scoring Service  - currently, the only selection is eSKM.  In the future, other scoring services will be available in the dropdown.

5.  Standard Attribute Value to Description Mapping - configure value to description mappings so that the descriptive names will appear in the output for Summary Statistic analyses, such as Counts by Category and Summary Statistics and Frequencies by Category. 
  • An Excel file needs to be uploaded with the value to description mappings.  The file must meet the validation rules, otherwise there will be an error message with the validation failures and the mappings will not be uploaded.
    • Excel format
      • The file must be saved as .xlsx or .xls.  Saving the file with a different extension will result in errors.
    • Required header fields:
      • Standard Attribute Name
        • Must be populated
        • This will be the values that are mapped to the "Standardized_Attribute_Name" field in the enriched layout for your program.
        • Note that there will be no validation if the standard attribute name exists for the program.  If an incorrect name is provided, then no mapping will be done, and the analysis output will be based on the field value.
      • Value Description
        • Must be populated
        • This will be the user-friendly description that will be displayed in the analysis output.
        • The value description can be alphanumeric with spaces, and special characters dash (-), comma (,), colon (:), underscore (_), and parentheses () are allowed.
        • There cannot be different Value descriptions mapping to the same Value for the same Standard Attribute Name.
      • Value
        • Must be populated
        • This will be the values that are in the test taker record data for the Standard Attribute specified that should be mapped to the Value Description.
        • The value can be alphanumeric with spaces, and special characters dash (-), comma (,), colon (:), underscore (_), and parentheses () are allowed.
        • There cannot be different Value Descriptions mapping to the same Value for the same Standard Attribute Name.
    • If there are duplicate standard attribute name/value description/value rows, data will be resolved and only the unique list will be displayed.
Upload File Example
Standard Attribute Value to Description Mapping Upload File example
  • To add mappings, select the Upload File button and select your file and Open.
Standard Attribute Value to Description Mapping Upload File
  • If the upload is successful, the list is displayed in the table in ascending order by Standard Attribute Name, Value Description, and Value.  
  • If the upload fails, an error modal will display the validation errors.
  • To delete a row, select the delete icon for that row.
  • Note:  After a successful upload, selecting to upload another file will be additive to the existing mappings.  If you do not want it to be additive, first delete all mapping rows before uploading the file.

Standard Attribute Value to Description Mapping After Upload

6. Select Save

Settings Edit Save

Viewing Program Settings
All PAR users with access to the program selected in Global Navigation will be able to view Program Settings. 
From the main toolbar, select Configurations and then Program Settings.

Default Settings for the program selected in Global Navigation will be displayed:
  • Default Aggregate Options
    • If Set Default Aggregate Options is selected additional options will be displayed 
  • Default Request Schedules
  • Analysis Overview - Default View
    • List of Required Columns
    • List of selected Optional Columns
  • Scoring Service - scoring engine used for analysis
  • Standard Attribute Value to Description Mapping
  • Edit to Condition Code Mapping for Constructed Response Scoring
    • Program Level codes override ETS standard codes
      • Category = "Program Configuration" for program level overrides
    • Each column is able to be sorted or filtered

Without Default Aggregate Options:

View Without Aggregate

With Default Aggregate Options:

View With Aggregate

Edit to Condition Code Mapping for CR Scoring:
NOTE:  This is a view-only table.  Users are not able to edit this information.  If changes are needed to the mappings or how they are scored, a ServiceNow ticket needs to be submitted so PARcore Support can implement required changes.

Edit to Condition Code Mapping for Constructed Response Scoring