For general instructions, navigating, and actions related to Analysis Templates see Analysis Templates.

The following are details specific to Analysis Type: Item Response Theory - Equating. 

Equating - landing

When you are creating, editing, or duplicating an analysis template for Item Response Theory - Equating, the following options are available:  

New Form - Source of Parameters

  • If Calibration and/or TBLT are being produced within the same template:
    • The option defaults to 'Calibration/TBLT within Template' 
    • The other two options are disabled
  • If Calibration and/or TBLT are not being produced within the template:
    • The option defaults to 'Database'
      • A dropdown requires selection between Test Assembly, Newest or Oldest available parameters in the database.
    • If 'Calibration/TBLT from previous request' is selected:
    • 'Calibration/TBLT within Template' is disabled

Calibration/TBLT within Template selections:

Equating Template - Calibration/TBLT within

Calibration/TBLT not being produced within Template selections:

Equating Template - Calibration/TBLT not being produced within

Supplemental Analyses

  • Supplemental Analyses
    • The default setting is to have this toggle set to 'Yes'.  If toggle is set to 'No', no further options are displayed.
      • Conditional Standard Error of Measurement (disabled if New Form - Source of Parameters = Database)
        • If the checkbox is unchecked, below option will not display and this analysis won't be produced.
          • Include Reliability and Average SEM 
            • if checkbox unchecked, Reliability and Average SEM won't be produced
            • if checkbox is checked, The user will be prompted to assign a Request ID in Request Details after a request is generated. See Request Details - Analysis Options - IRT - Equating for more information
      • Relative Efficiency
        • if checkbox is unchecked this analysis won't be produced
      • Test Characteristic Curve
        • if checkbox is unchecked, below option will not display and this analysis won't be produced
          • Scoring For Polytomous Items
            • 'Polytomous Items not included' or 'Score = Category Score'
All Supplemental Analyses selections:

Equating Template - All Supplemental Analyses

Limited Supplemental Analyses selections:

Equating Template - Limited Supplemental Analyses

Viewing an Item Response Theory - Equating analysis template portion displays the options as seen below:

New Form - Source of Parameters & Supplemental Analyses

View with all selections:

Equating Template - View All

View with limited selections:

Equating Template - View Limited

For Test Settings details see Test Settings for Item Response Theory
For Request Details information see Request Details
For Statistics and Visualizations available for Item Analysis see Visualize Results
For Statistics Tags definitions and uses see Tagging Statistics