For general instructions, navigating, and actions related to Test Settings see Test Settings

The following are details specific to Analysis Type: Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning. 

Editing Test Settings for an Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning
Users with Super Admin or PAR Admin role for the program selected in Global Navigation will be able to edit Test Settings for an Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning template.  

1. To open an analysis template in Edit mode do one of the following:
  • Select Edit under the Actions column when viewing the list of tests
    • A list of all approved and enabled Item Analysis templates applied to the selected test will display in the Analysis Settings tab under "Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning"
    • Select a template 
  • Select the Test Name hyperlink
    • A list of all approved and enabled Item Analysis templates applied to the selected test will display in the Analysis Settings tab under "Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning"
    • Select a template 
    • The template will open in view-mode (if nothing has been configured yet for the template, "No Values Selected" will display in the table)
    • Select the Edit button in the upper right hand corner

DIF Test Settings

2. Criterion Score and LIC(s)  (both are required fields)
  • Criterion Score - a single-select drop down that lists all scores that have been configured for the selected test.
    • the list of scores is displayed in alphabetical order by Score Name
  • LIC(s) - a multi-select drop down that lists all LICs that have been configured for the selected test
    • the list of LICs is displayed in alphabetical order. 
    • a Select All button is available to select all LICs

DIF Test Settings Scores

2. Tag Statistics (optional)

Once you have completed the selections for Criterion Score and LIC(s), Statistics Tags (tag icon) will be enabled.
  • This allows the user to override the Default Statistics Tags that have been previously selected at the Analysis Template level.
  • Overriding can be done at both the analysis level and/or the LIC level.
To override tags:
  • Select the Statistics Tag icon
  • The Statistics Tag modal displays
    • The Criterion Score Analysis is the first row displayed followed by LIC(s) listed in alphabetical order
  • Clicking on the Analysis row will display any tag selections that are inherited from the tags selected in the analysis template (all checkboxes will be disabled)
    • At the Analysis level, Item Level and Test Level tags can be overridden
    • If you want to override tags at the Analysis level, move the Override toggle to ON and make your selections
    • Any selections made will REPLACE the default tags selected in the Analysis Template
  • Clicking on any of the LIC rows will display a blank screen on the right
    • At the LIC level, only Item Level tags are able to be overridden
    • If you want to override tags at the LIC level, move the Override toggle to ON and make your selections
    • Any selections made at the LIC level will REPLACE default tags selected in the analysis template and will OVERRIDE any tags selected at the Analysis level
NOTE:  If items are shared between LICs, and more than one LIC has tag overrides applied, the last LIC in the list will take precedence and the selected tags for that LIC will be applied to the item.
  • Select Apply after all tag selections have been made 
  • If Cancel is selected no selections will be saved

 DIF Test Settings Tags

DIF Test Settings Tag Modal

3. Additional Criterion Score(s)

When multiple Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning analyses are desired within a test, ie. use of another criterion score, the user will need to select '+ Add Row' and make the desired selections.
  • Each combination of Criterion Score and Reference Group selected in the analysis template will produce a separate analysis sequence number within a request. (i.e. If two criterion scores are selected and one reference group was selected in the analysis template that will produce two analysis sequence numbers. If two criterion scores are selected and two reference groups were selected in the analysis template that will produce four separate sequence numbers.)
  • If a row is added, Save will be disabled until the user has completed all required selections of Criterion Score and LIC(s). 
  • Once a row is added, there is a Delete icon enabled next to each row. 
  • Note that a minimum of one row is required for an Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning test settings to be saved and used in request generation. 

DIF Test Settings Additional Scores

4. Apply Scores & LIC(s) to Test(s) and Include Tags (optional)

If the selected analysis template has been applied to other tests, you can apply Test Settings selections to any of the additional tests using the "Apply Score(s) and LIC(s) to Test(s)."  (next to Cancel and Save buttons)
  • Select the checkbox for "Apply Score(s) & LIC(s) to Test(s)"
    • Upon selecting user can "Include Tags", which will then include the Tags selections in the Save and apply process.
  • The "Save" button changes to "Save and Apply"
DIF Test Settings Save and Apply
  • Select Save & Apply to display a modal 
  • The list of tests applied to the analysis template selected will display in sequential order.  
    • Test Code is sortable and filterable
    • Test Name is filterable
  • Select the test(s) in the modal that you wish to apply selections to and select Next. 
    • A count of test(s) selected is displayed at the bottom.

DIF Test Settings Save and Apply Modal

If no validation warnings or errors are found, a confirmation modal listing the current test and selected additional tests will display, along with options of 'Go Back', 'Cancel' and "Save & Apply'. 
  • Selecting 'Go Back' will return you to the list where you can revise your test selections
  • Selecting 'Cancel' will return you to the Test Setting screen without saving any changes
  • Selecting 'Save & Apply' will save the Test Settings for all additional selected tests

DIF Test Settings Save and Apply Confirmation

Validation checks are run to ensure that existing values aren't overwritten, and the selected score(s) and LIC(s) exist for the selected test(s). 

Possible Errors: 
  • "None of the selected score(s)/LIC(s) exist for this test".
Possible Warnings:
  • "One or more of the selected score(s)/LIC(s) do not exist for this test. These will not be applied."
  • "Score(s)/LIC(s) have already been selected for this test.  Existing values will not be overwritten.  Selected score(s) /LIC(s) will be added."

In the event of any warnings or errors, the table of tests will display these messages inline.
  • Any tests with Errors will move to the top of the list.  
    • Tests with Errors must be deselected to proceed/enable the 'Next' button.
  • Warnings will be listed after any Errors.
    • Warnings can be ignored/bypassed and user can select 'Next' to apply the Test Settings selections.
  • Selecting 'Next' will prompt a confirmation modal listing the current test and selected additional tests, along with options of 'Go Back', 'Cancel' and "Save & Apply'. 

DIF Test Settings Save and Apply Errors and Warnings

5. Save, Cancel, and Unsaved Changes

When you've finished entering all required information, and 'Save' is selected, a banner will display at the top of the screen:

DIF Save Successful

Selecting 'Cancel' will result in the following:
  • If no selections were made, you'll be returned to the list of tests under Test Settings
  • If selections were made but not saved, selecting 'Cancel' or anywhere else on the screen will display a warning as seen below:

DIF Cancel Message
  • Selecting 'Continue' will discard all selections and return you back to the list of tests under Test Settings
  • Selecting 'Cancel' will return back to edit mode for the template where you can save or continue making selections.

While in Edit mode you can navigate to other templates while remaining in edit mode, or select the breadcrumb 'Test Settings' to return to the list of tests for the selected program. 

DIF Breadcrumb

Viewing Test Settings for an Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning
All users with access to the program selected in Global Navigation will be able to view Test Settings for an Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning template. 

To open an analysis template in View mode:
  • Select the Test Name hyperlink
    • A list of all approved and enabled Item Analysis templates applied to the selected test will display in the Analysis Settings tab under "Item Analysis - Differential Item Functioning"
    • Select a template 
    • The template will open in view-mode (if nothing has been configured yet for the template, "No Values Selected" will display in the table)
A table will display the following:

1.  Score(s) & LIC(s) - "Template name"
  • Three columns display with selections in the same order as they were selected while editing test settings for the template. 
    • Criterion Score 
    • LIC(s)
    • Tags 
      • Icon that upon selecting will display a read only version of tag modal.

** If you have a PAR Admin role for the selected program, or a Super Admin role, an Edit button will display in the upper right-hand corner.

DIF Test Settings View Mode

DIF Test Settings Tags View Mode

While in View mode you can navigate to other templates, or select the breadcrumb 'Test Settings' to return to the list of tests for the selected program. 

DIF Breadcrumb