The Assign Roles tab has several actions that can be applied to a user.  These actions can only be done by a Super Admin or a PAR Admin.  In addition, any user can export the user list by clicking on the Export List hyperlink.  A modal will pop up requiring the user to fill in a file name and a file type.

Assign Roles

Edit a user

  • To add, modify or delete access to a specific program, go to the Assign Roles tab, filter by first name, last name or username to find a particular user.
  • Under the Action column select edit, an edit user modal will open.  To add a program for this user, select the Add Program button and another program/role row will appear.  Select the appropriate program and role and select save.  To delete a program, select the delete icon next to the testing program(s) to be deleted.  If all program roles are deleted for a user, the user will be removed from the Assign Roles tab.  To modify a program, simply use the dropdown menu under the Program column to select the appropriate replacement.
  • To change existing roles, again select edit, the edit user modal will open, from here you can delete the current role by selecting the X next to the Role name, select a different role from the drop down menu, and select save.

    edit user