The Layouts module provides users the ability to create a data file layout that can be used when importing statistics.  The layout can be created two ways:
  • With headers, either manually entered or imported from a CSV file, for importing item-level statistics including response level statistics.
  • Without headers, positional based, for importing item level statistics including response level statistics. 
The default file format will be column-based (user defined) for both.  However, there will be an option to choose to import a row-based file in the Import module, which will use a system-defined layout.

Create a New Layout

Select Data from the the Main Navigation and choose Layouts, or select the Import tile on the Landing Page and select the Layouts tab.

1.  Select Add Layout

Create a New Layout

2.  A modal will open and the user can begin populating the information.  
  • Name: The layout name must be unique within a program
  • Description:  Enter a description that will appear alongside the Layout Name
  • Purpose:  Currently the only selection available is Item Level Statistics - Column 
  • File Type:  Select CSV With Headers or CSV Without Headers
    • CSV File With Headers: 
      • When selecting a CSV File With Headers, an Import Headers button will appear. User can either provide a CSV file which will populate the Header values in the Item Context Identifiers & Statistics table, or they can manually enter every Header.
      • NOTE: The user defined layout must be saved with the "CSV (Comma delimited)" extension.  Saving the file to a different comma delimited extension, such as "CSV UTF-* (Comma delimited)" may result in errors.
      • User can add or remove rows and modify header values
      • Rows will be sorted alphanumerically by header after saving the layout
      • If a user attempts to re-import a header file, or import a second file, they will receive a warning that all current Item Context Identifiers & Statistics will be lost.
      • If a header value is used twice, the user will receive a warning message about a duplicated value and layout will not be saved until it is corrected.
      • If the file type is changed from CSV With Headers to a file type of CSV Without Headers, the user will receive a warning message indicating that all the populated fields under the Item Context Identifiers & Statistics will be lost.  

CSV File w/headers

  • CSV File Without Headers:
    • When selecting a CSV Without Headers file type, the user can add or remove rows and modify column positions.
    • Rows will be sorted sequentially by column position after saving the layout. 
    • If a column position is used twice, the user will receive a warning message that duplicate columns exists and the layout will not be saved until it is corrected.
    • If a user changes the file type from CSV Without Headers to a file type of CSV With Headers, they will receive a warning message indicating that all the populated fields under the Item Context Identifiers & Statistics will be lost.

CSV File w/o headers

3.  Once Name, Description, Purpose and File Type are populated, the Add Row button under Item Context Identifiers and Statistics is enabled and the user can begin to add rows and populate the dropdowns for Column Position/Header, Data Type and Mapped To fields as necessary to create their layout.

4.  The Data Type dropdown consists of "Context", "Statistic" and "Tag" with appropriate Mapped To fields for each.  All the Mapped To fields are listed alphabetically for each particular data type.  
  • In order for the layout to be used for importing a file, there are 7 context identifiers that must be selected.  These are indicated by a red asterisk in the Mapped To dropdown, and include the following:
    • Administration Date
    • Administration Name
    • Form Designation
    • Item Identifier
    • Run Date
    • Test Abbreviation
    • Testing Program
  • Without all 7 context identifiers, the user will receive a warning message stating which fields are missing and noting that the layout will only be available for use during export.  The layout can be saved without required fields. 

Mapped To drop down image with required fields indicated by an asterisk

5.  The user can filter the view of the layout fields by selecting the View dropdown located just before the layout fields.  User can select All fields, Mapped fields or Unmapped fields.  A layout can be saved with unmapped fields.  Once all the fields are defined and there are no warning messages, the layout can then be used to import item statistics. 

view dropdown

Edit a Layout

On the Layout module, under actions a user can edit an existing layout based on their role permissions. See User Roles for more information on permissions.  When editing a layout, you can only edit the Description, and any of the Item Context Identifiers (Columns/Headers, Data Type and Mapped To).
Edit a layout

Delete a Layout 

On the Layout module, under actions a user can delete an existing layout based on their role permissions.  Upon selecting "Delete" click Yes and the layout will be deleted.  All users (regardless of role) can see layouts for all programs by clearing the filter under programs, otherwise they will only see layouts for the program that was selected in the Global Navigation Bar.

Duplicate a Layout

On the Layout module, under actions a user can duplicate an existing layout. Any user role can duplicate a layout from an existing layout both within the same program and across programs.  When Duplicating a layout, all fields are able to be modified or changed.    

In order to duplicate a layout from a different program, view the layouts across programs by simply selecting the filter icon next to the Program column and select the button to Clear the filter.  The list of layouts will now include all programs in alphabetical order.  Select any layout and Duplicate will be enabled. Once you select Duplicate, a modal will open where you will need to provide a Name and Description for your layout.  The Purpose will remain the same (Item Level Statistics - Columns) and the File Type should also remain the same.  If you change the File Type you will lose the Item Context Identifiers & Statistics you just duplicated.

Duplicate a layout