The Run SRRs module provides the capability to retrieve saved statistics in a downloadable CSV file. 

To navigate to the Run SRRs module, select the SRRs tile on the Landing Page or from the Main Navigation select Data and SRRs, and then select the Run tab.  On the Run tab, the SRRs table list will be pre-filtered with the SRRs marked as default for the program selected in the Global Navigation.  If you clear the filter from the Program column, SRRs available for 'All' programs and the programs you have access to will be listed in the table. 

To view the details and order of statistics for an SRR, select the SRR name link in the Name column.

PARcore SRR Run table view

PARcore SRR details example

Run an SRR

1.  In the Action column, for the SRR that you want to run to retrieve statistics, select the Run button.

PARcore Run SRR Button

2. Within the Run SRR modal, choose the context fields to be used as the selection criteria to limit the instances of statistics you want to retrieve.  You can do this by one or more of the following options:
     a. Request Number:  If you are looking for statistics from a specific request, select the +Request Number button.  In the Request Number section, the Program will default to the program in the Global Navigation, but you can select the drop-down and change it to any program you have access to.  You can add one or more request numbers by either entering the request number(s) or copy and paste request number(s) in the 'Request Number' text box and select the +Add Request(s) button, or upload a saved Excel, Text, or CSV file. 
          - Note for multiple Request Numbers, each entry should be separated by a comma or line. 
          - A Request number can be deleted from the 'Selected Request(s) table by either selecting 'Clear All' or the trash can icon on the request number row.
PARcore Run SRR by Request Number View
     b. Program & Test:  If you are looking for statistics for a specific Program and Test, select the +Program & Test button.  In the Program & Test section the Program will default to the program in the Global Navigation, but you can select the drop-down and change it to any program you have access to.  In the Test search field, select one or more tests.  
          - Admin/Form:  You can optionally look for statistics for a specific Admin/Form.  Select the +Admin/Form button.  You can either select an admin from the 'Admin' drop-down list and/or Form by selecting the 'Form Type' from the drop-down list (Form ID or UFC (User Form Code)), and select one or more Forms in the 'Form' Search field.
          - If an MST admin is selected the Form Type and Form fields are disabled. 
          - Note that you can add more than one Program & Test and Admin/Form rows depending on the statistics you want to retrieve.
          - If you need to delete any of the rows that were added, select the trash can icon on the row that should be deleted.

PARcore Run SRR Program and Test and Admin and Form example
     c. Item Identifier(s): If you are looking for statistics for specific item identifier(s) (aka accession number), you can add one or more item identifiers by either entering the item identifiers(s) or copy and paste item identifiers(s) in the 'Item Identifier' text box and select the +Add Item(s) button, or upload a saved Excel, Text, or CSV file. 
          - Item Identifier(s) can be specified with or without additional context information (Request Number(s), Program & Test(s), and Admin/Form(s)).
          - For multiple Item Identifiers, each entry should be separated by a comma or line. 
          - An Item Identifier can be deleted from the 'Selected Item Identifier(s) table by either selecting 'Clear All' or the trash can icon on the item identifier row.

PARcore Run SRR Item Identifier example

3. Statistics Options - If necessary, change the default options for the following fields:
     a. Use Resolved Statistics (default is Yes):  This option specifies whether to resolve the statistic instances to the first or the last of the sorted list based on the sorting criteria in the SRR.
     b. Retrieve All Subform Stats (default is Yes):  This option specifies whether or not Subform statistics under a Meta/Base form should be retrieved.  

PARcore SRR Run Statistic Options View

4. Additional Filters (Optional) - Specify data for the following fields if you want to optionally filter the statistic instances further.
     a. Score Name:  Enter the criterion score name against which item discrimination statistics were calculated.
     b. As of Date:  To restrict the statistics to those that were loaded/imported on or before a specific date, enter or select the date. 

PARcore SRR Run Additional Filters View

5. File Format & Type - Select the format that the statistics should appear in the CSV download file.  The File Formats to select are:
     - Rows (default):  Each statistic for an item will appear on a separate row in the file.  This format will need to be used for Response-based statistics.
     - Columns: Each item will appear on one row in the file with the statistics listed in columns.  Response-based statistics will not be included in this format.
6. Select the Run button to submit the SRR job. Only instances of statistics which match on the tags and context fields will be returned by the query.

View SRR Job and Details
Once an SRR job has been submitted, you will be taken to the Jobs tab.  When your job has finished and has a Status value of Complete or Error, you will receive an Alert notification in the Global Navigation Alerts.

PARcore SRR Jobs Tab Table View

1. Select the Download button in the Actions column to download the output file.  

2. Once an SRR job has finished, select the Job # link to take you to the Job Details page.  The Job Details will list the selections that were included in the SRR run and a link to download the output file.

The user that ran the job will have access to the download file.  The ability to download the file expires two weeks after the Job Start Date.

PARcore SRR Job Details Example