Item Analysis - Classical Reports in PARcore Visualization Studio include item analysis descriptive statistic reports and graphs. The available reports for a given request is a combination of the options as selected in the analysis template module and the scores selected in the test settings module. For more information, please see Analysis Templates - Item Analysis Classical and Test Settings - Item Analysis - Classical
Reports available are:
Criterion Score Distribution and Summary Statistics - This report includes univariate frequency distribution and summary statistics for the criterion score used in the item analysis. When applicable, the univariate frequency distribution and summary statistics for an equate item statistics reference request are also included.
Item Response Curves - This report includes item-level, response-level, and credit-level statistics and graphs for every item being analyzed in the item analysis. High Ability reports for each item can also be viewed in this report when applicable.
Item Summary - This report includes item statistics (such as average item score, delta, correlations) for each item in the selected item analysis.
Item Summary by Item Group - This report includes summarized item statistics across all items, across assembly units, or across logical item collections for the selected item analysis.
Speededness Statistics - This report includes the speededness statistics for a selected item analysis.
Percent Not Reaching Histogram - This report displays the statistic value and visualizes a histogram of the percent of test takers not reaching each item in the selected analysis.
Reliability Statistics - This report includes reliability statistics calculated for a group of items (such as assembly units, logical item collections, assembly unit within logical item collection, measure, testlet) for a selected item analysis.
Problem Item Summary and Possible Mis-key Report - This report includes summary information about flagged items. The report view for the Problem Item Summary Report displays a summarized list of all flags and how many items received each flag for a given analysis. The Possible Mis-key Report is available if any dichotomous item had a D, S, M, or P flag in the selected analysis. The Possible Mis-key Report provides additional response-level statistics for those items in order to review them closely for any possible indications of a mis-key.
Item Histograms - This report displays histograms for any relevant discrimination or difficulty statistics for your request (Average Item Score, PPlus, Delta, Correlation(s) with Criterion). When applicable, both reference and observed histograms will be displayed.
Item Scatterplots - This report displays scatterplots for the relevant difficulty statistics (Average Item Score, PPlus, Delta) against the discrimination statistic(s) (Correlation(s) with Criterion) for your request. When applicable, both reference and observed plots will be displayed.
Compare Deltas for Common Items - This report displays two comparison graphs to review the common items utilized through the Compare Deltas analysis. The input reference deltas imported by the user, the observed deltas, and the output-input reference deltas are plotted for review.
Table of Contents: Item Analysis-Classical Reports
Criterion Score Distribution and Summary Statistics
Item Response Curves
Item Summary
Item Summary by Item Group
Speededness Statistics
Percent Not Reaching Histogram
Reliability Statistics
Problem Item Summary and Possible Mis-key Report
Item Histograms
Item Scatterplots
Compare Deltas for Common Items